Natural Calm - A Relaxing Magnesium Supplement
Natures stress relief. Natural Calm balances your calcium intake and restores healthy magnesium levels.
Magnesium is a powerful anti-stress mineral and its deficiency is associated with most irritability or stress cases. Use in those stressful times and high tension periods or use regularly to reduce them.
Natural Calm is a breakthrough in magnesium supplements and delivers the highest assimilation possible. Peter Gillham's Natural Vitality Natural Calm is a 100% natural watersoluble magnesium powder of the highest quality.
Natural Calm handles excess calcium in the body and gradually dissolves calcium deposits, giving a new lease on life and instant relief to many symptoms of magnesium depletion.
Natural Calm Effectiveness:
What makes Natural Calm so special over other forms of magnesium supplements is that it is water soluble and assimilates instantly and thoroughly, and works even in cases of highly impaired digestion.
Doctors and Clinics:
Natural Calm is used by over 1,000 doctors and health clinics nationwide with great success.
How to Use Natural Calm Magnesium
Preparation: As you can read from the label, Natural Calm is made as a tea by placing the powder in hot water to dissolve. Cold water can be added at will for instant drinking.
How much Natural Calm? It is important to understand that individual needs will vary. Some individuals will need more Natural Calm than others. We recommend that you start Natural Calm with 1 teaspoon daily, and increase your dose up to the point of loose stools. This will be the dose you will need to maintain for regular use.
The final amount taken could range anywhere from a 1/4 teaspoon to 3-4 teaspoons. This could be taken all at once or split to 2-3 smaller dosages throughout the day.
Diarrhea: If you get diarrhea, it is a sign that you used too high a dose, and you need to cut it back to the point where the diarrhea does not reappear.